Monday, December 5, 2011

Google Wants to Pay You!

Learn how to Get Paid by Google Every Single Monthly that can replace a very high paying Job!In Just 1st 60 Days!
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Extra Cash From Your Website

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In HeaderAds, Your Ads will surely works...

I know your ads aren't working.

How do I know this?

Because I'm betting that you're probably getting a pathetically
low click-through rate and an almost non-existent conversion
rate out of those ads.

Let me explain.

The truth is, banner ads and link exchanges just don't work
anymore. People just ignore them completely.

Google and other major companies that get the bulk of their
profits from advertising have tried to counteract this
'banner blindness' by making ads different sizes
- which worked ... for awhile.

You can be the best graphic designer or copywriter in the
world - and it doesn't make one bit of difference. Your ads
still have a horrible conversion rate.

Want to know which kind of ads people don't ignore?
==> Header Ads.

The header is the area at the very top of a web page. It
usually includes the product name, maybe a photo of the
creator and a graphic of a software box or book cover.

It's also the very first thing people notice on a website,
and the very first graphic to load.

Now what if you could take this same header area from
someone else's site and put YOUR ads on it?

Can you see just how much more targeted that would be?
The site visitors can't help but notice it - which means
you get more click-thrus and more eager buyers coming
to YOUR site!

See what I mean at

It's like getting someone else to do all the marketing
for you. All you do is sit back and watch as the customers
pour in!

And best of all - if you go to
- you'll find out exactly how much this advertising costs:


But I should warn you. As soon as the big marketing
pros hear about this - their servers are going to fill up
fast. And once the space fills up, they might have to
start charging.

Get in now before it's too late -

Monday, October 10, 2011

What's the best and easiest way to make a sale online?

The problem with selling a product on the Internet is that not only do
you need to spend time and money on product development, page design,
marketing, sales letters, ads and affiliate promotions, but you also
need to make sure that you're attracting customers who want to buy
your product.

After all, hundreds of people might look at your site every day, but
only a tiny fraction of them might consider buying your product.

That's because, unlike retail shopping, the customer cannot see or try
your product without paying for it first. So either you need to find
a lot of customers who will trust you very quickly, or you have to
find customers who are already in the mood to make a purchase. And
that's the hardest part.

Just think of the last time that you were shopping online. You
probably had more reservations about getting your wallet out and using
your credit card than if you found the product in a store.

Luckily, there's a way around this. You can find customers who are
interested in the kind of product that you sell and are already in a
buying mood. And it won't cost you a cent.

It's called ThankYouAds.

ThankYouAds is a revolutionary ad exchange that posts your ads at the
best time to attract paying customers - when they've just finished
making a purchase.

Your ad will appear on the thank you page of one of thousands of
affiliated websites, bringing you new traffic and new buyers from all
over the web.

Think about all of the revenue you're missing out on because you can't
seem to find custoemrs in your niche who want to buy a product just
like the one you're offering. With ThankYouAds, you never have to
wonder again - because you'll be making revenue from those very

So give ThankYouAds a try today - it's free to join, and it takes only
minutes to set up your account to start pulling in the profits that
you deserve.

Click the link below and experience ThankYouAds for yourself:
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